Can I be a Yacht Broker ?
This brief quiz asks the aspiring yacht broker to answer honestly the qualifying questions
that determine “Do you have what it takes to be a Yacht Broker”?
Short Quizz. Free of charge
Yacht Broker Basics
This course covers essential basic knowledge that every Yacht Broker needs.It is aimed at newly appointed Yacht Brokers and the curious layperson, who may be tempted to become a Yacht Broker and wants to know more what is involved.
Medium Course. £10
Professional Yacht Broker course
Sets out the knowledge required by a practising Yacht Broker. It is aimed at those determined to become a Yacht Broker and existing Yacht Brokers wishing to verify they know all they need to. At the end of this course you will be ready to take the CPYB final exam and become a Certified Professional Yacht Broker.
Long Course £100